Course & Programs

Courses: Graduate Program, Other programs & Facilities

Peren Government College which is affiliated to Nagaland University offers a 3 years (6 semesters) course, with or without Honours subject in the following subjects under the School of Social Sciences and Humanities for the graduate degree in Arts stream.

Subjects that offer Honours are:

  • Education
  • English
  • History
  • Political Science

Compulsory Papers:

  • 1st & 2nd Semesters: General English
  • 3rd & 4th Semesters: Alternative English
  • 5th & 6th Semesters: Environmental Studies

Elective Papers:

  • Economics/Philosophy
  • Education
  • Elective English
  • History
  • Political Science

Other Vocational Programs offered are:

  • Horticulture: Certificate Course (6 months)
  • Bee Keeping: Certificate Course
  • Music: College offered Course but in the process to make it a Certificate Course
  • Computer: The College provides basic computer knowledge to the students, this is also in the course of action to formulate it into a Certificate Course


Library is considered as a vital part of a student’s education and an essential component of the College competency in general. Peren Government College offers a core collection of books. The Library has varieties of books including text books, syllabus related reference books, journals, newspapers and many other knowledge oriented books. Students are given library cards to have access to the books. The Library also has a Resource Gallery of Knowledge where study materials are stored by the different departments to avail. The Library is semi- automated. Xerox facility at a concession price is also kept in the Library.

Academic Honors:

College Topper Award is given to the student(s) who secures the top position in the College during the final University exam. The Incentive Award consisting of a Certificate & Cash Prize is funded by Peren Government College Teachers Association. Such meritorious student(s) names will be accolade in the Roll of Honour board at the institute.

Best Student of the Year Award is selected from the 6th Semester based on their distinction in studies and their participation in extracurricular activities all through their stay at the institute. The Award consists of a Certificate & Cash Prize sponsored by the Alumni Association.
